The following informations are up to date and serve as an example.
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Wholesale prices of Orlen S.A.
Update Pb95 Pb98 diesel heating oil
2024-11-21 4694 5155 4920 3616
2024-11-22 4694 5153 4951 3645
2024-11-23 4737 5201 4996 3694
2024-11-26 4692 5151 4950 3669
2024-11-27 4682 5141 4943 3661
2024-11-28 4666 5123 4926 3645
2024-11-29 4650 5106 4902 3623
2024-11-30 4626 5079 4873 3594
2024-12-03 4607 5056 4833 3558
2024-12-04 4614 5048 4841 3563
2024-12-05 4622 5048 4837 3556
2024-12-06 4611 5024 4823 3532
2024-12-07 4588 4993 4786 3485
2024-12-10 4589 4995 4779 3475
2024-12-11 4599 5006 4788 3487
2024-12-12 4629 5042 4805 3508
2024-12-13 4652 5066 4821 3530
2024-12-14 4673 5089 4852 3564
2024-12-17 4676 5090 4864 3577
2024-12-18 4668 5083 4855 3564
Net prices in [PLN/m3], include the excise tax.
Wholesale fuel prices of LOTOS
Update Pb98 Pb95 diesel heating oil
2024-11-21 5155 4694 4920 3616
2024-11-22 5153 4694 4951 3645
2024-11-23 5201 4737 4996 3694
2024-11-26 5151 4692 4950 3669
2024-11-27 5141 4682 4943 3661
2024-11-28 5123 4666 4926 3645
2024-11-29 5106 4650 4902 3623
2024-11-30 5079 4626 4873 3594
2024-12-03 5056 4607 4833 3558
2024-12-04 5048 4614 4841 3563
2024-12-05 5048 4622 4837 3556
2024-12-06 5024 4611 4823 3532
2024-12-07 4993 4588 4786 3485
2024-12-10 4995 4589 4779 3475
2024-12-11 5006 4599 4788 3487
2024-12-12 5042 4629 4805 3508
2024-12-13 5066 4652 4821 3530
2024-12-14 5089 4673 4852 3564
2024-12-17 5090 4676 4864 3577
2024-12-18 5083 4668 4855 3564
Net prices [PLN/m3], include the excise tax.
Fuels average Polish refineries
Update 2025-01-21
Pb98 5319,80
Pb95 4850,80
diesel 5144,80
heating oil 3866,20
Net prices [PLN/m3] in 15 degrees Celsius of reference temperature, include the excise and road tax.