The following informations are up to date and serve as an example.
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Wholesale prices of Orlen S.A.
Update Pb95 Pb98 diesel heating oil
2024-09-24 4470 4865 4598 3330
2024-09-25 4467 4855 4609 3347
2024-09-26 4464 4847 4614 3361
2024-09-27 4466 4861 4592 3350
2024-09-28 4472 4949 4591 3347
2024-10-01 4477 4987 4596 3351
2024-10-02 4530 5058 4640 3371
2024-10-03 4523 5026 4648 3380
2024-10-04 4557 5088 4707 3427
2024-10-05 4582 5133 4789 3502
2024-10-08 4676 5209 4894 3618
2024-10-09 4663 5169 4837 3573
2024-10-10 4644 5155 4821 3565
2024-10-11 4664 5166 4821 3578
2024-10-12 4689 5203 4837 3593
2024-10-15 4680 5186 4811 3569
2024-10-16 4626 5162 4764 3522
2024-10-17 4634 5155 4711 3469
2024-10-18 4646 5160 4737 3495
2024-10-19 4608 5128 4703 3461
Net prices in [PLN/m3], include the excise tax.
Wholesale fuel prices of LOTOS
Update Pb98 Pb95 diesel heating oil
2024-09-24 4865 4470 4598 3330
2024-09-25 4855 4467 4609 3347
2024-09-26 4847 4464 4614 3361
2024-09-27 4861 4466 4592 3350
2024-09-28 4949 4472 4591 3347
2024-10-01 4987 4477 4596 3351
2024-10-02 5058 4530 4640 3371
2024-10-03 5026 4523 4648 3380
2024-10-04 5088 4557 4707 3427
2024-10-05 5133 4582 4789 3502
2024-10-08 5209 4676 4894 3618
2024-10-09 5169 4663 4837 3573
2024-10-10 5155 4644 4821 3565
2024-10-11 5166 4664 4821 3578
2024-10-12 5203 4689 4837 3593
2024-10-15 5186 4680 4811 3569
2024-10-16 5162 4626 4764 3522
2024-10-17 5155 4634 4711 3469
2024-10-18 5160 4646 4737 3495
2024-10-19 5128 4608 4703 3461
Net prices [PLN/m3], include the excise tax.
Fuels average Polish refineries
Update 2024-11-20
Pb98 5123,40
Pb95 4667,80
diesel 4926,80
heating oil 3615,80
Net prices [PLN/m3] in 15 degrees Celsius of reference temperature, include the excise and road tax.