The following informations are up to date and serve as an example.
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Wholesale prices of Orlen S.A.
Update Pb95 Pb98 diesel heating oil
2024-12-25 4674 5106 4867 3582
2024-12-28 4692 5124 4879 3587
2024-12-31 4705 5142 4910 3611
2025-01-01 4718 5154 4922 3634
2025-01-03 4746 5184 4956 3676
2025-01-04 4777 5216 4965 3689
2025-01-08 4767 5203 4960 3699
2025-01-09 4749 5180 4943 3684
2025-01-10 4759 5195 4969 3709
2025-01-11 4769 5205 5016 3750
2025-01-14 4833 5271 5144 3867
2025-01-15 4867 5323 5143 3866
2025-01-16 4868 5337 5159 3884
2025-01-17 4853 5322 5154 3873
2025-01-18 4859 5324 5153 3873
2025-01-21 4851 5320 5145 3866
2025-01-22 4846 5314 5136 3850
2025-01-23 4830 5295 5110 3812
2025-01-24 4820 5283 5070 3778
2025-01-25 4800 5260 5031 3741
Net prices in [PLN/m3], include the excise tax.
Wholesale fuel prices of LOTOS
Update Pb98 Pb95 diesel heating oil
2024-12-25 5106 4674 4867 3582
2024-12-28 5124 4692 4879 3587
2024-12-31 5142 4705 4910 3611
2025-01-01 5154 4718 4922 3634
2025-01-03 5184 4746 4956 3676
2025-01-04 5216 4777 4965 3689
2025-01-08 5203 4767 4960 3699
2025-01-09 5180 4749 4943 3684
2025-01-10 5195 4759 4969 3709
2025-01-11 5205 4769 5016 3750
2025-01-14 5271 4833 5144 3867
2025-01-15 5323 4867 5143 3866
2025-01-16 5337 4868 5159 3884
2025-01-17 5322 4853 5154 3873
2025-01-18 5324 4859 5153 3873
2025-01-21 5320 4851 5145 3866
2025-01-22 5314 4846 5136 3850
2025-01-23 5295 4830 5110 3812
2025-01-24 5283 4820 5070 3778
2025-01-25 5260 4800 5031 3741
Net prices [PLN/m3], include the excise tax.
Fuels average Polish refineries
Update 2025-02-22
Pb98 5119,80
Pb95 4694,80
diesel 4976,00
heating oil 3663,00
Net prices [PLN/m3] in 15 degrees Celsius of reference temperature, include the excise and road tax.