The following informations are up to date and serve as an example.
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Wholesale prices of Orlen S.A.
Update Pb95 Pb98 diesel heating oil
2025-02-04 4788 5225 4974 3685
2025-02-05 4806 5243 4995 3701
2025-02-06 4786 5217 4915 3618
2025-02-07 4783 5214 4918 3622
2025-02-08 4777 5217 4923 3624
2025-02-11 4797 5209 4950 3650
2025-02-12 4802 5214 5014 3705
2025-02-13 4781 5197 5011 3700
2025-02-14 4764 5182 4937 3620
2025-02-15 4752 5169 4960 3642
2025-02-18 4732 5153 4935 3614
2025-02-19 4711 5134 4941 3627
2025-02-20 4709 5136 4960 3655
2025-02-21 4706 5134 5013 3698
2025-02-22 4695 5120 4976 3663
2025-02-25 4686 5108 4951 3649
2025-02-26 4665 5083 4899 3591
2025-02-27 4638 5051 4842 3543
2025-02-28 4614 5022 4850 3558
2025-03-01 4608 5050 4891 3553
Net prices in [PLN/m3], include the excise tax.
Wholesale fuel prices of LOTOS
Update Pb98 Pb95 diesel heating oil
2025-02-04 5225 4788 4974 3685
2025-02-05 5243 4806 4995 3701
2025-02-06 5217 4786 4915 3618
2025-02-07 5214 4783 4918 3622
2025-02-08 5217 4777 4923 3624
2025-02-11 5209 4797 4950 3650
2025-02-12 5214 4802 5014 3705
2025-02-13 5197 4781 5011 3700
2025-02-14 5182 4764 4937 3620
2025-02-15 5169 4752 4960 3642
2025-02-18 5153 4732 4935 3614
2025-02-19 5134 4711 4941 3627
2025-02-20 5136 4709 4960 3655
2025-02-21 5134 4706 5013 3698
2025-02-22 5120 4695 4976 3663
2025-02-25 5108 4686 4951 3649
2025-02-26 5083 4665 4899 3591
2025-02-27 5051 4638 4842 3543
2025-02-28 5022 4614 4850 3558
2025-03-01 5050 4608 4891 3553
Net prices [PLN/m3], include the excise tax.
Fuels average Polish refineries
Update 2025-03-29
Pb98 5156,80
Pb95 4695,40
diesel 4755,40
heating oil 3450,00
Net prices [PLN/m3] in 15 degrees Celsius of reference temperature, include the excise and road tax.