The following informations are up to date and serve as an example.
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Propane eastern border
Update Week Propaneavg.
2024-01-17 3 2750,00
2024-01-15 3 2774,00
2024-01-11 2 2790,00
Propane-butane on the Polish Eastern border
Update Week Mixavg
2024-01-17 3 3273,00
2024-01-15 3 3292,00
2024-01-11 2 3363,00
Prices net in [PLN/t] - goods on the Polish side. Given prices relate to propane, butane and gas propane-butane 50/50 %. The price of propane-butane includes cost of reloading and duty (if required) enlarged the excise tax (695,00 PLN/t) and the fuel duty (246,87 PLN/t). Price "avg" is an weighted average price of a given day.

PLEASE PAY ATTENTION! Prices of propane don't include the excise tax and the fuel duty.

Propane and butane updated every Monday at about 3:00 o'clock p.m.

Propane-butane updated every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at about 3:00 o'clock p.m.
Propane eastern border
Update Week Butaneavg.
2024-01-17 3
2024-01-15 3
2024-01-11 2
Prices [PLN/t] - goods on the Polish side. Prices relate to gas propane-butane 50/50%, include costs of reloading and duty (if required), the excise tax and the fuel duty.

Data are updated every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at about 3 o'clock p.m.
Since 1st September, 2009 propane and butane prices exclude the excise duty and the road tax.

Last quarter